Tuesday, 3 December 2013

WINOL Week 9

This week we were really lacking in stories for the bulletin, there was no actual news in it. As a news editor, you need to think of ways to overcome a lack of pictures, or simple ways to deal with this problem. When news editing, the shape and style of a package is as important as the news content.

Angus' feedback:

- It needed that bit of experience and sprinkle to make it a better bulletin. Quiet news week due to third years being away, this meant that it was down to the second years to step up and take control but this didn't seem to happen.
- The main issue this week was with sound, cannot empathise enough how important sound is. 3 packages in the bulletin had sound issues, also one clip used in the headlines didn't have good enough sound.
- Zeena's package - illustrating stories with human interest using a case study worked. Couldn't get filming in care home, so overcame this issue by using a family who are worried about it as a case study.  The piece to camera was an issue though, there was too much noise on piece to camera and the shots used were too wide so that you see the microphone. It looks cleaner if you don't see it. Go for an MCU and put the mic lower.

- Court story: Kate - two headlines with two stills in it. Headlines are about moving pictures, exciting shots, if you have no choice but to use two stills, you need to at least drop one of them. Or use alternative stories which have better pictures. This is a court story which has no pictures, we have a piece to camera and still of victim that's all, its an underlay, it needed to be a package.
- Alex - 'Save the rec ' story- had to take a load out from the package. Don't assume knowledge, explain everything in detail with your package.

- Lucy's world vision story was focused more on the interview which was great. She decided to focus more on the one to one exclusive interview rather than the speech the world vision man made. Angus advised us that if we do hear a speech before you interview someone listen to it and make notes as you can bring up the issues the person raises in the public speech in your own private interview. Lucy then voiced over the pictures which worked much better than just hearing him speak to the public. Her package included three SOT of the interviewee this was fine but it shouldn't be repeated in other stories and we shouldn't always make our packages like this.

- The Choir OOV - there was no sound in it which didn't work. My understanding is that the sound was left on the OOV and then when it was handed over to be in the bulletin the sound was taken off. It is unclear as to why this happened.

- Harvey - relax a bit you can be reasonably chilled out when presenting sport.

- Liam  - football - written well, turned it around quickly. 2 minutes in 2 and a half hours, that's quite good. Liam got on with it straight away and dealt with it. If we are getting national awards we need it in our bulletin and we really needed to think about what a huge story it is.
- For those who worked on the budget programme, congratulations. We could of won a couple more with the standard of work we do. The more recognition we get, the more chances we get.

Ian's feedback:

- Congratulations to all of us for the award.
- Quite nice that we put the award and the end of the bulletin.
- Thin day story wise, but the most impressive stuff was on stories that were turned around on the day and pushing the deadlines. However, we still got there at 3 o'clock.
- Overall, really pleased with seeing much more credible packaging. Shooting more, giving yourself more set up space, and two very good interviews.
- Get more stories, keep filming more and improve the sound! We must get the mic's in the hot zone, the way to get good sound is to wear head sets and headphones then we can hear the sound that's coming through. It's no good just looking at the monitor, we need to wear headphones and hear the real thing.
- Can see definite progress on the packages.

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