Tuesday, 12 November 2013

WINOL Week 6

Angus kicked off the debrief this week and was really keen to express what an improvement this week's bulletin was, compared to previous weeks. Angus believed this improvement is mainly down to team work, making important decisions together.

There was also a good mix of stories including a national breaking news story (Portsmouth job losses). Could spend longer rehearsing, taking our time to achieve a higher standard. Need to also extend the headlines visually as we keep getting a 'black hole' also in the 'coming up' section too.

His quick sum up of packages was:

- Rowenna Davis interview (Nadine) was dimly lit, not right for news.
- Scrap Metal (Liam) included 3 sequences, lovely opening with NATSOT.
- New Forest Toxin (Ellen) good interview with the Vet, very well explained.
- New 20mph speed limit (Ben) good effort, really thought about using a variety of pictures and interviews.
- Radar (Sam) wasn't sure if it makes total sense.
- Hedgehogs (Lucy) really well explained in the first 15 seconds, best explained piece of student work here. Just need to show more personality in the PTC.


Opening link banned, check white balance so that images aren't too blue.

Will Boden was our guest editor this week. Will is the deputy editor of BBC Politics. He was overall really impressed that we are able to produce a weekly bulletin. There was a really interesting variety of stories in the bulletin. We were right to lead the bulletin with the Portsmouth Job Cuts story; however, the Rowenna Davis interview shouldn't have been second in line. It isn't attention grabbing enough and also the interview wasn't explained in enough detail.

Liam's Scrap metal story he said was a lovely piece of TV, it is all about visual images with TV, crucial to bring the story to life. Use of NATSOT also draws the viewer’s attention in.

Ben's 20mph speed story was intuitive (use of the 'Go-Pro') but needed to see pedestrians and more cutaways/GV shots of the centre of town.

Ellen's New Forest toxin story contained a jump shot between 2 different dogs. Watch out for this.

Will explained the importance of Social Media, gets the whole world involved with what you're doing, useful to promote your work/ get a wider audience. At WINOL we dedicate a lot of time into updating our social media accounts. We currently have around 1,500 followers on twitter, our Social Media Editor Georgia Spears is confident she can reach 2,000 followers by Christmas. Reporters need to still tweet more, we say it every week but it still needs to be done. Tag relevant people in your tweets and get them to retweet you to their audience. For example Rowenna Davis tweeted about WINOL to all 15,257 of her followers which definitely led to more traffic being directed to winol.co.uk. People go to twitter for the news; it is a main source of news. 

In our debrief 11/11/13 Chris informed us that we had just under 2,000 page views last Wednesday. The main traffic coming for the Diane (UKIP) and Rowenna interviews.

Subbing was also really organised this week, running order of subbing is up on the board in the newsroom and the schedule is being followed quickly and closely.  

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